There is an old country-western Gospel song that has been on my mind for a couple years. It was one of my mother’s favorites and I sang along with it on her record player when I was a child.
For those of you who don’t know, records were what we used in the "old days" before eight tracks, which came before cassettes. Actually, records even pre-dated vinyl LPs (long play albums). They were made from slate. Slate records were heavy, rigid, and fragile. They would shatter into pieces if dropped. Here’s a little record riddle for you; how many grooves are on a record? (Answer, Two; one on each side.)
These days when it seems that everyone is trying to dumb down or repackage Christianity to make it more attractive or relevant to a modern, enlightened, me-centered culture, it is comforting to know that there is nothing new under the Sun. This song was popular over a half-century ago and, apparently, they struggled then with the same slippery slope of liberalism and creeping modernism that is prevalent in Christianity today.
This song addresses the subject of TRUTH. “What is Truth?
That is an academic question that has been argued since creation when the serpent tempted Eve in the garden of Eden. It comes up often in academic philosophy discussions. After hours of debate, all the ignorant pinheads usually conclude that truth is fluid and relative; what is TRUTH for you, they say, may not be TRUTH for me. And now, we are observing that in the classrooms of our children who are told that 2 plus 2 does not necessarily equal 4.
That kind of ignorant attitude recently surfaced in political media, when Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, said to President Trump, “I reject your facts.”
That’s nonsense! Facts are facts; if they’re not true, they’re not facts. And the answer to the question, “What is Truth?” is simple; Truth is that which is true.
The song, MY RELIGION'S NOT OLD-FASHIONED, was written by Stuart Hamblen and made popular by Hank Snow. OK, so it's not one that I would normally select for use in church but there are several things I like about it.

The songwriter begins by declaring that there is only one real religion. That’s because there is only One true God and only one true way to salvation. And God revealed that way through His Son, Jesus Christ who said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”
The song goes on with a warning; we must be careful discerners of truth because there are many false teachers and prophets. They stand behind pulpits, twist scripture, and speak beautiful words. They will tell us that God didn’t really mean what the Bible tells us. Those false preachers are snakes just like that serpent in the Garden and they will lead their followers to destruction.
Lots of people try to fit God into their own molds and practice religions that make them feel good. But the One and Only True, Unchanging God has ordained an unchanging Gospel that still saves sinners today the same way He saved sinners in the past; by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone.
You can hear it as originally recorded by Stuart Hamblen, on this video clip. I have reprinted the lyrics below:
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