I don’t usually look for doctrinal fights on purpose but, occasionally, they just come and find me.
I bumped into a man one day who had been a regular attendee at my church but then, he just stopped coming. When I asked where he had been, he said, “Oh, I’m not into church. I love God and I talk to Jesus every day. But you don’t have to go to church to be a Christian.”
I couldn’t ignore that; I tried to convince him of the importance of the regular gathering of believers for worship and fellowship. But after a quite lengthy exchange, His response was, “We’ll just have to agree to disagree.”
I reminded him that my arguments were not my own opinions but they were, in fact, scriptural and that his disagreement was not with me but with God.
That’s when he got a little uppity and said, “SHOW ME IN THE BIBLE WHERE IT SAYS I HAVE TO…” (Now you can fill in the blank on this one; it doesn’t really matter how people end that sentence. Usually, when a person deflects to that kind of “show me” demand, his real problem is a rejection of the Word of God. It’s a classic, foolish, non-argument that began in the garden when the serpent tempted Eve with her own words; he asked, “Did God really say 'don’t touch that fruit?'” But I digress.)
I continued to try to convince my friend with scripture. My arguments were biblical and true but I lost the debate when he stripped me of nearly 70% of my authoritative ammunition and set a boundary around the debate with one idiotic statement. He said, “…and don’t give me any of that Old Testament stuff either; we are in New Testament times.”
When someone rejects God’s revelation, any supporting arguments we may have, on any subject, are reduced to just personal opinions. He had me right where he wanted me - on an equal playing field in an emotional arena of subjectivity and personal preferences. That’s when I knew there was no more point in continuing; the fight was over.
There is an inseverable relationship between the Living Word of God and the written Word of God; you cannot love Jesus and hate His Word.
This person, who claimed to love God, had just revealed his real problem; he was unwilling to recognize or submit to the authority of God’s Word.
Jesus once scolded His disciples when He asked them, “… why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say?” (Lk. 6:46)
Then He compared a person who hears His Words and does not listen, to a fool whose faith is built on a shaky foundation.
In the hymn, NAME OF ALL MAJESTY, our God is identified as the Immortal, Eternal King of the Ages. He is attributed with incomparable Splendor and Dignity. He is our Sovereign Master and our Savior. And, in the midst of all those superlative titles, attributes, and descriptors, is this stunning reminder; He has all Power and Authority; Jesus is Lord!
This hymn was partially inspired by David’s prayer of praise to God, “Blessed are You, Lord God of Israel, our Father, forever and ever. Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power and the glory, the victory and the majesty;
“For all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, And You are exalted as head over all. Both riches and honor come from You, and You reign over all. In Your hand is power and might; In Your hand, it is to make great and to give strength to all.
“Now, therefore, our God, we thank You And praise Your glorious Name.” (1 Chron. 29:11-13)
Name of all majesty, fathomless mystery,
King of the ages by angels adored;
Pow'r and authority, splendor and dignity,
Bow to His mastery, Jesus Is Lord!
Child of our destiny, God from eternity,
Love of the Father on sinners outpoured;
See now what God has done sending His only Son,
Christ the beloved One, Jesus is Lord.
Saviour of Calvary, costliest victory,
Darkness defeated and Eden restored;
Born as a man to die, nailed to a cross on high,
Cold in the grave to lie, Jesus is Lord!
Source of all sovereignty, light, immortality,
Life everlasting and heaven assured;
So, with the ransomed, we praise Him eternally,
Christ in His majesty, Jesus is Lord!
Words ©
1984 Hope Publishing Company
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