For several years, I served as the song leader in my church. During that time, it was my responsibility to select the music and lead the congregation in the singing every week.

I took that responsibility seriously. The hymns and songs that I selected had to be doctrinally sound, and appropriate for worship with a God-centered worldview. Within those parameters, I tried to select music that would reinforce and support the text and the subject of my pastor’s messages.

Some of us have been singing the hymns for years; the words roll off our lips but the messages often don't engage our minds or penetrate our hearts. With the apostle Paul, I want the congregation to "sing with understanding."

So it has been my practice to select one hymn each week, research it, and then highlight it with a short introductory commentary so that the congregation will be more informed regarding the origin, the author's testimony, or the doctrinal significance of the hymns we sing.

It is my intention here, with this blog, to archive these hymn commentaries for my reference and to make them freely available to other church song leaders. For ease of reference, all the hymn commentaries in this blog will be titled IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Other posts (which will be music ministry related opinion pieces) will be printed in lower case letters.

I know that some of these commentaries contain traces of my unique style, but please feel free to adapt them and use the content any way you can for the edification of your congregation and to the glory of God.

All I ask is that you leave a little comment should you find something helpful.

Ralph M. Petersen

Please follow this blog to keep notified of new entries.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

****A tribute to the music and faith of Philip Bliss



 In last week's column about the hymn, I WILL SING OF MY REDEEMER, I noted the tragic train wreck that ended the life of the writer at the age of 38 years. 

Philip Bliss was more than just a hymn writer. He was also a composer, a singer, and an evangelist. His multiple talents are reflected in several other well-known hymns.

He wrote WONDERFUL WORDS OF LIFE for D.L. Moody’s brother-in-law who was about to launch a Sunday School publication. The name of the paper was to be WORDS OF LIFE and he wanted a song that would emphasize the importance of studying the Word of God.

The song was inspired by Peter’s response when Jesus asked him, “Do you also want to go away?” 

Peter answered, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (Jn. 5:24).

In another great hymn, HALLELUJAH! WHAT A SAVIOR, Philip described our human condition; we are vile, guilty of sin, and utterly helpless. And there is nothing we can ever do to merit God’s forgiveness and grace.

But the Man of Sorrows came and willingly subjected Himself to the shame and scoffing and agony of the cross at Calvary.
Isaiah. said, “The Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” (Isa. 53:6)  
One day, when the Lord returns for those whom He bought, we will sing a new song around His throne, Salvation and glory and honor and power belong to the Lord our God.”
  (Rev. 19:1).  

I GAVE MY LIFE FOR THEE is a song that I rarely used for congregational singing because the lyrics are often misunderstood to imply that we must do something to earn our salvation. But in the proper biblical context, that is not the case.

Frances Havergal wrote the lyrics, but the music score was composed by Philip Bliss. The song poses four questions that center around four action verbs – Give, Leave, Bear, and Bring. 

God’s Word gives us instructive examples as to how we should respond:

God expects us to give to others the same way He has given to us – "freely, abundantly, and running over." (Luke 6:38)

Jesus told the women caught in adultery, “Go now and LEAVE your life of sin.”  (John 8:11)

Since we have been forgiven, we are commanded to “BEAR with each other and... forgive as the Lord forgave you.” (Col. 3:13) 

And what does God expect us to bring? Malachi is clear; God is not pleased with our sacrifices.  Instead, our responses to His grace should be willful, loving sacrifices of praise that come from grateful hearts because of all that He has done. 

So, this song doesn’t really suggest that we must do something to earn God’s favor. That would be an insult to Him. We are saved by grace through faith and now, He wants us to go out into the world to serve Him.

Philip Bliss also wrote the music score for the hymn, IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL, but the words were penned by Horatio Spafford after the tragic death of his children.

We often think of this hymn in the context of comfort for those who are grieving but in the first stanza, we get a glimpse of Spafford’s faith during a time of unbearable grief; “When sorrows, like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, ‘It is well, it is well with my soul.’”

But the hymn has another important dimension. Like Bliss’s, "Hallelujah!  What a Savior," it also addresses our sinful nature. 

In the third stanza, Spafford, in his desperate condition, finds comfort and joy in God’s mercy and grace. “My sin, O the bliss of this glorious thought; My sin, not in part but the whole, Is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more.  Praise the Lord; praise the Lord, O my soul.”

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